Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Zee Anti Twit, I've read your comment. To be frank with you, I did not, and still do not, understand what you were saying. Therefore, I would like to ask you to be clearer in the presentation of your thoughts.

By the way, I have removed the vulgarities in the blog post before this in view of Zee Anti Twit's ideas on the usage of vulgarities in my blog.


  1. The comment wasn't made by me. If you scroll down, you will see that it was De Maitre who wrote it. =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My apologize for not being coherent, severe sleep deprivation turns your brain into porridge.

    I edited the comment and placed it on my blog- so that I won't clutter up your comments page. Please do leave a comment or two on the chatroll. I will check it every hour or so...

    By the way, I seem to detect your hatred against a particular individual from AAL team. Just out of curiosity, no offence, did you you create this blog:
    - just to get back at that person?
    - to critique AAL team as a whole?
    - to support ALs?

    By the way, try to avoid using the word Chiobu if possible. It is offensive to any decent lady, regardless of trashy behavior. =)
