Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello, since AALteam thinks that my challenge is too far above them, and thus lack the courage to respond, I'm going to stop all my updates. I mean there's nothing for me to write on as long as the AALteam doesn't update.

So yeah, if you have anything to say, please comment.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Zee Anti Twit, I've read your comment. To be frank with you, I did not, and still do not, understand what you were saying. Therefore, I would like to ask you to be clearer in the presentation of your thoughts.

By the way, I have removed the vulgarities in the blog post before this in view of Zee Anti Twit's ideas on the usage of vulgarities in my blog.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello! Sorry for the long time intervals between my posts. Special thanks to De Maitre and Zee Anti Twit for your encouragement.

One special thing to note that is despite the proud proclamation on AALteam's blog that they are not afraid of "tsunamis" and "fire", one of their authors hurriedly ran away from me when I said "Hello" to her today. I was raising my hand in warmth when she hastily turned her gaze away and brought she and her presumably not-ah-lian friends to the other side of the MRT in which we were.

According to, ahlians everywhere are upping their budgets and buying new camera models; namely DSLRs. DSLRs, in my opinion, are very good cameras. They offer interchangeable shooting modes, hot-swappable memory card/stick support, smudge-prood LCD screens, macro shooting modes of up to 0.5cm, a self cleaning camera chassis, and the ability to lighten your wallet significantly, among other things.

AALteam then goes on to state, in BOLD AND BIG AND PINK letters (to show that they are creative, and dare to speak their thoughts), that "THE AHLIANS HAVE GONE HIGH CLASS". They also do some weird things like actually gasping on their blogs (funny, how some people think that their readers want to know every single mundate detail of their lives). After this, they show us the extent of their command over the English language by uttering an invented profanity: "BLOODYFAG". Such a word undoubtedly took the inferior minds of AALteam ages to conceive of; and I applaud such determination. The fact that their perseverance was wasted in that they invented something so inexcusably stupid, is also worthy of note. Oh, AALteam also says that the rampant purchases of DSLRs by ahlians is a "pandemic". That's funny, the last time I checked, a pandemic referred to something like an uncontrollable spread of disease. Perhaps AALteam has decided that the purchase of DSLRs by ahlians in Singapore will not bring them (and the sellers) joy, and through some magical processes will harm them?

To borrow a phrase from the very intelligent people from AALteam who have borrowed it from a popular movie (anyone seen "300"?)THIS (that) IS MADNESS! One is lead to the assumption that in the Battle of Thermopylae, the Spartans lost due to the multiple camera flashes of Persian ahlians. Such an impressive writing style deserves to be given worldwide credit.

I would like to ask AALteam why, in their valued opinions, is the purchase of DSLRs by ahlians bad? I would like them to give me and you a definition of "ahlian". Since they are able to state so blatantly that they hate ahlians, they must therefore be able to tell to their readers what an ahlian is.

Why, in their opinions, is the purchase of a DSLR by an ahlian wrong? In my opinion, AALteam does not have the right to degrade a whole group of people just because of their choice of electronic appliance. Not only is this demeaning to an "ahlian", it is also harmful to the economy.

Why does the AALteam use bad English, and then insult ahlians for using bad English too? They may say that their English is better than that of the ahlians, but it is my opinion that English is only bad or good, and there is no such thing as half-bad or half-good English.

If the AALteam can produce a reasonable, logical, and sound explanation to my questions, I will post a formal apology on this blog and close it down within two weeks of the posting of the apology.

If they cannot, I sincerely hope that they will find the gall to engage me in an argument over the wide expanse of the Internet. I mean, they are a TEAM, and I'm just one person. Surely the combined mental capabilities of the AALteam will be able to engage me in a logical argument? Or are they only able to write meaningless, baseless, unreasonable, and unintelligent posts?

To end off, I think that the writings of AALteam reek of the lack of logic that is apparent in all stupid people. With their mediocre command of the English language they presume that they have the right to degrade an entire group of people. They think that they are exceptional; they are exceptionally stupid.

So hey AALteam, please respond.

Friday, August 21, 2009


This blog was created to respond to some of the "rantings" on that were written by one of their authors. It seems that inventing new styles of names isn't enough for the only Chiobuu in AALTEAM, she now has to show off her creativity and intellect by posting on a blog called "We Hate Ah Lians Everywhere". By the way, this title is very cool. So cool in fact that it is puke-inducing in most people.

One of the points listed out in the sidebar of is that anyone can write anything on their personal blogs. This is in line with a concept called "free speech", which I doubt that they understand anyway. This is because "Free speech" is free insofar as it does not offend other people. However, since AAL targets only "ahlians", or "ahlians" as thought of by the supposedly feeble minds of the AALTEAM, I've made this blog to target only anti-ah-lians :D

I think the AALTEAM is revolting and repugnant beyond belief. One of their authors, whose name I am not at liberty to mention, and whom I shall call Chiobuu, or Chiobuu-withadouble-U, is so "ready for your tsunami and flames" (taken from their sidebar) that she does not dare to make a sound when I say hello to her in public. This strikes me as rather amusing, is my greeting worse than tsunamis or flames?

"AALteam finally had enough of their bullshit and decided to create a place where
we can freely express our digust towards ah lians,
and warn the people of the world about this horrific army of lians
and how they are to destroy the english language and many other things" - A quote taken from AALTEAM's sidebar.

Now, since they appear to be so proud of being able to blog with what they think is "proper English", I'm going to ask them what I am. I mean I type with perfect English, does that make my status above even that of the AALteam's? They also state that a "horrific army of lians" is out to "destroy the english language and many other things". I would like to say that this "horrific army" of people they call "lians" has never destroyed anything of mine, actually their shorts look rather nice to me. Also, how can a language be destroyed? If there was such a thing as destroying languages, I would think that the invention of double-lettering would be the first step towards achieving that.

Oh one last point. The AALteam calls ahlians "attention seekers". I would like to ask the AALteam, why they have created a blog on a publicly accessible internet space if they are not seeking the attention of other people? The fact that they have not restricted their blog to only the authors themselves, shows that they are seeking attention.

Thank You,

PS: I call myself WHAALTEAM because I am not ready for tsunamis and flames, and only ready for Amyy should she ever find me. That's why I lack the gall to post my name. So sorry everyone.